金馬54 │ 年度廣告

金馬54年度廣告正式曝光 杜琪峰帶來未來科幻寓言
遊走各種電影類型的杜琪,在為金馬拍攝的90秒廣告中,首次嘗試科幻題材、捨棄班底,全數改採舞台劇演員與新生代演員,並要求他們講「外星語」,打造出一片銀白的未來世界,將觀眾帶往一百年後的2117年,在宛如蘊育生命之初的海浪聲及莊嚴的吟唱當中,眾人們燦笑著聚在一起,迎接新生命的降臨。然而在看似「happy together」的表象下,實則結合了老朽與新生、男與女、生與死、變與不變的生命隱喻,以及該如何面向與定義未來的樣貌?每每觀看皆是不同體悟。大師出手的影像寓言,充滿驚喜,也令人不禁想像2117年的電影會「進化」成何種面貌? 

Johnnie TO's Innovative Glimpse on the Future of 2117
Taipei Golden Horse Film Festival Executive Committee released today the annual promo video directed by Johnnie TO. TO takes a futuristic glimpse on his imagination of the 2117 with the grand question, “Are we ready for the new era of evolution?”
As a director with a versatile capability for various genres, TO has tried out the sci-fi scene for the first time in this 90-second video. With a solemn chanting, people welcome the new life. Of body and soul, young and old, contemporary and deceased,  this visual fable, filled with surprising metaphors, makes the audience wonder how human beings and cinema will “evolve” in one hundred years.
The video is now available online now and will be played on big screen during the film festival, between November 3rd and November 24th.

